Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wedding Season

If you have enough time, read Revelation 21.

I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. Revelation 21:2

Anyone attending a wedding this summer?

I still remember my own wedding – 15 years ago last month.

I was a lot younger, a lot skinnier, had more hair on my head, and a lot more naïve – scratch that – clueless about life.

While I have several strong memories about the wedding the one that sticks in my head the most is the first moment I saw my bride step toward me from the back of the chapel. Now you have to understand that we were very traditional and hadn’t seen each other all day (granted it was an 11am wedding). You also have to understand that we were married at the chapel of our school (two weeks after graduation, mind you), Valparaiso University – which just happens to be the largest university chapel in the country – and one of the largest in the world!!! (Seriously, it is.)

And so, there she was about to take that first step toward, of all people, me – as I waited, standing there at the altar of my Lord. Because of the length of the chapel she looked miles away (the chapel is actually 193 feet long – glad I didn’t have to walk that far!) – and yet I could see her perfectly and, like many a groom I suppose, I was overcome with the emotion of my love for her and her love for me.

Not in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that my love for her then would actually increase year after year after that first step – and yet this is exactly what has taken place (though I don’t suppose I’m as teary-eyed about it anymore).

Now before you all go “awww, isn’t that sweet” – as sweet as it was for Kathy and me then, this is the image, the picture that the LORD presents us with in regards to His relationship with us!!!

One of the hardest things for people outside of the Church is to comprehend a God who is so head over heels in love with the people of His creation – so much so that He describes us as the bride for whom He so eagerly and excitedly waits. In fact this groom that is Him has gotten so excited that He has run down the aisle to meet us there – and help us Himself to the altar!

I say that this is a very difficult picture for those outside of the Church to comprehend, but even for those who are walking hand in hand with the Groom, on the way to the altar, today – this is difficult to comprehend.

And to think that THIS is the very point of my life (and not everything else that can be so distracting!)!

And even more to imagine that it only gets better after this!!!

Well – if you happen to get to a wedding this summer take a moment to reflect on the one which even now is taking place.

Prayer: Jesus, no matter how many doubts I have about your love, no matter how far I still feel I am from the altar at times, no matter how much fear I have because of the human relationships that have not lived up to hopes and dreams, no matter… help me to learn to appreciate, to recognize, to receive, and by your grace even to reflect your sacrificial, whole hearted love and devotion to me. In your name. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Mart, you are now popular enough to get spam postings! Congratulations! Although the spam post is convincing (not), I will stick to the Good Book.

